There’s no driver who can actually accept or think that he's a bad driver. If you’ve watched Canada’s Worst Driver, you’ll totally understand why. A lot of these people who make up the cast aren't just bad but atrocious in their driving habits. By the time you get nominated by someone you know or a loved one for that matter, they’re so concerned about your driving habits, they just have your best interests at heart and want you to be at least a bit better than what you currently are.

A bad driver has no idea as to whether he ruined someone’s day or not, whether he caused an accident on the road when he turned without signaling, veered into the other lanes without checking his side mirror or rear-view mirrors, or caused someone a heart attack for that matter. Bad drivers are inconsiderate, rude, mean, and uncouth but very audacious, which manifests not just in their attitude, but in their behavior in general. Such drivers are the kindest of hearts when cops flag them down, but this only lasts for a moment. Any slight issue will tick them off, and their true colors will be laid bare before all. There’s an innocent mistake, usually made on occasions, and there’s the foolishness displayed by bad drivers every day. We’ve compiled just 20 of these bad-driver habits that are done every day, just so you can be more cautious and aware on the roads.

20 A Bad Driver Doesn't Signal


This is perhaps one of the most annoying things done by bad drivers–daily! A bad driver isn’t necessarily the one who just got out of driving school, has a driver’s license, and a big red ‘L’ sign on the rear window of his or her car. It could be anyone, even the one with more than forty years of experience in driving. A bad driver has either ignored or suddenly forgotten the rules of the road. Anyone who's driven a car or whatever vehicle by now already has the signaling rule deeply entrenched in his or her brain, which sends a message to your hands that when you get to a place where you need to turn, you have to signal at least fifty if not seventy-five meters before you get to the turn itself. This tells the driver behind you or even the one trying to overtake that you’re about to make a right or a left turn.

19 Lanes… What Lanes?

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So, you’re on a highway, and this fellow from nowhere just changes from his lane where he was actually doing well and hops onto yours, never minding that your speed is probably higher than his or not caring whether your brakes work or not. This is so irritating! There are drivers who have a happy-go-lucky attitude, the ones who think that every knee-jerk response they get on the road must be approved of by other drivers. These are the ones who cause unnecessary accidents. Sometimes, they end up hurt or end up losing because their cars can either get badly written off, or they suffer the pain of not having a car for a week as it undergoes repairs. But in worst-case scenarios, they could lose their lives or end up causing others to lose their own lives. Another crop of such bad drivers is those who change lanes on a roundabout! Ugh!

18 They Exceed Or Go Under The Speed Limit


Speed limits are there more as protective and preventive measures than as punishments. Many times, you’ll find that governments, through their transport and security departments, change the speed limits on different roads based on the incidents they record over time so as to prevent further damage and loss of lives. But a bad driver doesn’t care about speed limits because he controls his speed impulsively. So, you’ll find the bad driver who goes over the speed limit or the one who goes under the speed limit–either way, they’re both bad drivers. Stick to the recommended limit, and if your car has an issue or if you’re carrying someone who needs urgent help, press the hazard button—–that's why all cars have it.

17 A Bad Driver Has A Beast Or A Ladybug But Doesn’t Know How To Park It

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Let’s start with the owners of little cars, in particular, the ones who don’t know how to park–I mean–what? How can you not know how to park a little car, which can fit literally into any parking spot? At least the one with the beast can be excused–sometimes–but a small car? Like a Mini Cooper or a Toyota Vitz? Come on! If you don’t know how to park a car, then either get some lessons on how to do it or get someone to do it for you, which is actually very embarrassing, by the way. In fact, it gets worse if you were bad on the highway and then those you ‘hurt’ on the road see you struggling to park–karma–lol!

16 Texting While Driving Or At A Red Light

via buzzfeed

A bad driver knows that it's wrong, actually illegal, to text while driving, but in his world, rules are meant to be broken. So, everything that makes his phone beep is urgent and must be responded to no matter where he's at. At a red light, a bad driver won't focus on what's going on around him but will take the opportunity to reply to a text or make a call, and most times, he misses the moment when the light turns green. The worst thing is, he ends up wasting time for the rest of the drivers, especially those immediately behind him, and he doesn’t have even a shred of regret. Sometimes, you wish such people had their own lanes, and funny enough, they’re not the ones who get busted for texting while driving.

15 Bad Drivers Tailgate

via thecarexpert

Tailgating is one of the traits of bad drivers. These are the people who drive too close to the vehicle in front of them in such a way that there’s very little space between the two vehicles, which could cause a collision if the front driver steps on the brakes suddenly. This is common when drivers want to prevent other vehicles from cutting in or mere negligence because the person doesn’t understand the risk that comes with it. In most cases, you’ll find the same bad driver is trying to intimidate others or it’s a case of road rage, so he tailgates to coerce the driver in front of him to move faster or get out of the way. If you’re in such a hurry, why didn’t you leave the house early enough?

14 They Cannot Deal With Honking Horns

via onmanorama

No one likes to be constantly honked at, especially when there’s absolutely no reason for it because there are drivers who just cannot keep their hands off the horn. But a bad driver sort of loses track whenever a horn is honked at them, almost as if they go into some kind of shock mode. It’s like they’re not completely used to being honked at, and many times, they don’t see their wrong. They could've changed lanes wrongly, are they're driving under the speed limit, or probably, something about the car is off, and the other drivers are trying to point it out. But a bad driver would ordinarily get enraged and act stubbornly on the road. The noise is just too much for them to handle soberly.

13 When It Rains Or Snows, They Forget How To Drive

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What is it about the rain or the snow that with a slight drizzle or smattering of snow, drivers suddenly have temporary amnesia? This is one thing about bad drivers because they forget that the rules of the road change when the weather isn't favorable. Everyone who went through proper driving-school training knows all too well that where there’s fog, you need to keep your headlights on—or fog lights if your car has them. Then there’s rain and snow; only a bad driver will over speed when the road is wet or slippery, and this will cause even more problems for other road users. A bad driver’s car will keep skidding, and he'll end up losing control just because he couldn’t stick to the rules.

12 A Bad Driver Is Always In A Hurry

via daily express

No one knows whether the driver is late for something or has an urgent thing that needs to be done, but even a five-second wait to change lanes is just too much for the bad driver. This kind of driver will veer right across all four lanes on a busy highway just to make the exit and cross over to the other side. What're two minutes of staying in the right lane compared to having to cause mayhem on the highway for everyone else just so you can make it to the exit? It’s like this driver wasn't taught the art of delaying gratification. In short, he lacks self-control and discipline. Imagine the number of road accidents that have been caused just because of such drivers because one silly mistake leads to others that could've been avoided–it’s like setting off a deck of dominos–one slight move brings down the whole set.

11 They Take Too Long To Make A Move

via time magazine

If you want to know a bad driver, you’ll find a stream of cars behind him at a turn or on the road. A bad driver just doesn’t know the dimensions of his vehicle, such that he won’t know how to instantly calculate the space between the car ahead of him and the curb because he thinks his car just won’t fit. So, what he does is wait until there's absolutely no car in the oncoming lane, and even if a cyclist shares the road with him, he won’t pass; he’ll wait. These are the people who are so scared of the road, they have to give way to more and more pedestrians to cross as they make up their minds. By the way, traffic jams aren’t just caused by weather or mean cops; sometimes, it’s just bad drivers.

10 They Keep Braking

via thoughtco

Have you ever driven behind someone whose brake lights just won’t stop lighting up? Granted, there are learners on the road, and we understand these ones are still getting used to the car itself and the road, but there are those who need a thorough beating–the driver who won’t keep his foot off the brake pedal. A bad driver will almost always step on the brakes, sometimes for no reason, but other times because of jitters and anxiety. He doesn’t even understand that this constant braking has an effect on the car’s brakes, as it can wear them out much faster. If you’re the anxious or fearful type on the road, just drive slowly–it saves you and other drivers, plus, taking your foot off the accelerator pedal has the same outcome.

9 A Bad Driver Cannot Let Others Overtake Him

via daily mail

This is so common, and there’s a joke about it when it comes to Subaru drivers—that they up their speed whenever any car attempts to overtake. However, with a bad driver, he just won’t accept to be overtaken by anyone. It’s even worse when the person overtaking him is a woman–it’s like some switch goes on in his brain that tells him not to let her pass. It’s as if it's taboo for a lady to overtake him—like he gets offended or something. This is the kind of driver who'll drive at his own pace on the road, but when any driver behind him even tries at the slightest to get ahead of him, that’s when he suddenly remembers he needs to move faster.

8 A Bad Driver’s Car Is Covered In Dents And Scrapes

via mcafee auto

This isn't meant to mean that a good driver’s car won't have a dent here or there or won't have something scraped off on his car; this can happen to any driver. But for a bad driver, it's habitual. You’ll find that a bad driver’s car is either dented on the bumper, has scratches on the body, or just has stuff that's off all over the car. The car looks beat despite it being slightly new or even brand new, for that matter. What happens is the car has been driven so badly, either because he doesn’t follow the rules on the road and ended up getting hit or because he met his match on the road who didn’t want to care that he forgot to indicate a turn or didn't use his rear-view or side mirrors–and now, he lives with the scars.

7 A Bad Driver Is Bad At Parallel Parking

via flickr

Parallel parking isn't easy, especially for a bad driver who, in most cases, is also very mean when it comes to sharing space that’s been clearly marked and allotted for each car. This method of parking cars is done parallel to the road, and the driver is meant to park his car in line with others that are parked in the same area. Initially, the driver has to slightly go past the parking space and reverse into the space itself while keeping a safe distance from the other parked vehicles. But the bad driver won’t hear any of that; he parks however way he feels like and what feels right to him. So, he’ll do one of two things: drive in and assume the other cars parked next to him will do the adjusting or squeeze into the parking so badly that other drivers won’t know how to drive out or even get into their own cars.

6 People Are Always Making Gestures Or Taking Out Their Phones Because Of You

via gettyimages

You can identify a bad driver from the way other drivers around him behave when he’s on the road. If you find drivers waving their fists, honking their horns, or even making rude gestures at the bad driver with their hands, then the guy in that car is really bad–there’s something he's doing that's ticking off other drivers, and most of the time, he's broken the rules. Other times, it may not be on the road but at a parking lot where a bad driver is having a hard time trying to park the car or just cannot figure it out. Social media and smart devices have made this even easier because you’ll find people secretly recording him, and soon enough, he becomes a viral sensation on the internet.

5 Bad Drivers Hold The Steering Wheel Wrong


Even if you’ve driven for so long and you’re actually a guru at cars and you know the roads better than the engineers who built them, if you aren't good with handling the steering wheel, you’re a very bad driver. There’s this thing about trying to look cool while driving, especially for guys who want to impress the ladies, but it's actually very irresponsible of such drivers. There are rules that extend to how you should hold the steering wheel, and your grip should be firm enough so you can ensure you manage your car on the road properly and with stability. Using the hands of a clock, you can either hold the steering at a quarter to three or the ten-to-two position. This way, no matter what speed you’re driving at, you can control your car better than just placing your hand in any position. It even helps when making turns, so you can start there each time you plan to get on the road.

4 Keeping His/Her Foot On The Clutch

via autorideindia

This is another way of knowing a bad driver, especially those with manual cars, those who have to step on the clutch pedal to change gears. A bad driver will actually make the car ‘cry’ or make noises in protest, and many times, other drivers will drive past him telling him to change the gear or take his foot off the clutch. If you’re one of those, the best thing to do is listen to the rhythm of your car’s engine whenever you’re driving–switch off the music if you have to, just so you don’t end up burning your clutch or messing up the car altogether. Automatic car drivers can also ruin their cars when they engage a different gear, usually by mistake, but this is what distinguishes a good from a bad driver–attention to detail.

3 Making Unnecessary Stops While Driving

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A bad driver has issues on the road, especially when he’s not sure about where he's going. Unlike the old times when you actually needed a physical map to get directions to where you’re going, these days, there’s Google Maps, plus many other apps that can direct you better than you can yourself, to help you with that. It's common with drivers who are looking for a landmark spot that's close to the place they’re supposed to be, so they constantly make unnecessary stops either to ask pedestrians for directions to the place or if they’ve heard of it. Or to keep checking every stop they make just to be sure. Such sudden stops may not end up well for the driver if another driver rear-ends him.

2 Bad Drivers Are Always Rubbernecking


A bad driver isn't always prepared for whatever happens on the road. As explained earlier, these are the types who don’t know what to do when there’s a slight drizzle or a smattering of snow on the road. Sometimes, they find an accident has happened, and instead of opening up the way to ease off traffic or pulling over to check out what happened, they're the type who stop in the middle of the road to see what happened. This is so annoying because, in most cases, such drivers are just being nosy, yet they cannot do anything about it and cannot help the situation be any better. They're better off calling the cops to deal with it, but they don't. So, you find people honking their horns or insulting them to get out of the way or keep moving.

1 Rules Are For Other People

via odyssey

To a bad driver, the road belongs to him and him alone, which means he makes the rules as he drives, regardless of cops and other drivers. There are so many signs, from traffic lights to bumps to junctions to stops, plus road signs along the highway that need to be obeyed. Yet, the bad driver somehow doesn't see them—it's like he/she only sees what's in it for him/her or what he/she must have. It kinda makes you think that as a kid, he was the type who would throw tantrums to get whatever he wants, or he was a bully and nobody dealt with such horrible behavior, so he grew up thinking he was always right. Only a bad driver will jump the red light and ignore speed limits and other important road signs—even drive his car in whatever state it is. By the way, these are the softest drivers whenever a cop flags them down, but once they're off the hook, it's back to normal.
