The 2018 Hannover Motor Show was full of amazing tech surprises from most of the motor manufactures from different parts of the world. Japan was among the head turners as they showcased their new project the Navara Dark Sky Concept from Nissan. The engineers really did think outside the box for this one.

This ride comes in two parts which both combine the ramped up version of the Nissan Navara and a trailer. The trailer functions as an astronomical lab this was a concept that was achieved in collaboration with the European Space Agency. It is clear that this is not just your everyday pickup truck as it differs in both form and function.

This year has seen many companies come up with very cool pickup trucks trying to outshine each other on different aspects. However, nobody is yet to do what Nissan has done, having an astronomy lab pickup truck. The trailer has almost anything you need for astronomy, this includes stargazing equipment.



The equipment fitted in this trailer is state of the art. The creators fitted the trailer with telescopes that can reach parts of the sky that normal equipment cannot. Nissan is trying to break the barrier of what standard trucks are known for, showing these vehicles can do so much more.

For one to use the telescope, the trailer has a mechanized roof that opens giving way for the Plane Wave telescope. The trailer also comes fitted with Wi-Fi, UHF transmission equipment and a laptop station. The vehicles have eight radar units at the corners of the vehicle and a trailer to help the driver know his or her surroundings and ensure that the haul doesn’t veer off into obstacles.

The interior of the truck is also fitted with a state of the art air-conditioning system to ensure that the equipment is kept under the proper environmental conditions, and also a radar system that helps the driver identify a place that is safe to park that can accommodate both the truck and trailer.

Via Parkers

It may seem that trailer is the only addition to the Navara, but the truck also had work done. The most obvious is the black and white color finish. Nissan also incorporated the used of red LED lighting in the front, back and sides of the ride. This particular style is called Nebula. This has improved the truck and trailer’s visibility in the night or even in the fog. It even has large off-road wheels, and the Dark Sky is powered by a 2.3-liter twin turbo engine producing 187 horsepower.

It is good to see that manufacturers are moving out of their comfort zones and incorporating good performance, style, and amazing science altogether. So if you are into astronomy or you just love the night sky the Navara Dark Sky is the truck for you.