Here we go again into the wonderful, weird, wild, wacky world (hey, a little alliteration goes a long way!) of do-it-yourself drivers and builders. Of course, we’ve been down this road before (score!) with a wide range of garden-variety enthusiasts, from funky motorcycle mods to motorcycles that were actually made out of wood (that was an…"interesting” one) to modded out SUVs and off-roaders. But we’ve never actually gone down the rabbit hole of checking out those dudes (and dudettes, I presume; there’s got to be some) who have built their own homemade pickup trucks.

Well, the time has come; today is that day my friends. Batten down the hatches and tie off that tarp on top of your flatbed everyone because we are about to take a look at some of the most ridiculously sublime creations (or contraptions, as the case may be) that anyone has ever created. We’ve got chopped-down sedans turned into pickup trucks, pickup trucks made from other pickup trucks, wooden pickup trucks - yup, of course, they are out there - dump trucks parading as pickup trucks, trucks converted into weird little cabins (like a log cabin people, not a normal pickup cabin), and all manner of sick and twisted, some quite literally, ridiculous homemade pickup trucks. It’s quite a ride, and to be honest, when you see these things you’ll realize just how bumpy and uncomfortable that ride will be, but hey, somebody’s gotta do the dirty work around here. Just don’t try to take these puppies off-roading. Or maybe even “on-roading” for that matter. Here are 17 hilarious pics of homemade pickup trucks.

17 Mad Max in Mexico

via sloveniahotel

It turns out that the Wasteland movement guys are not the only guys running around building insane Mad Max-appropriate pickup trucks. There’s another group in Mexico who apparently like to do the same thing, although this time with a rather more sinister purpose.

This my friends is the creation of an anti-cartel vigilante group.

Yup, that’s right; these guys might very well have used that bull-nosed battering ram on the front of that truck for serious purposes. I’m just wondering though- is that giant flatbed for carrying vigilantes around in or for hauling off all of the contraband they “confiscate?”

16 Wasteland F250

via willitwasteland

Oh boy, here we have another insane Wasteland renovation/disaster. Look, I get that there is a whole subculture going on here that I know nothing about. If you don’t believe, just check out the two Visigoths (or whatever they are) strolling along behind the truck. But why are guys just throwing together hilariously mismatched parts to make trucks? If they can do this couldn’t they make something that was actually, you know, nice? It certainly seems like they have the talent to do so. I do love this guy’s sense of humor though- that quote about the sun is hilarious all in its own right.

15 Truck Bed Flip

via youtube

OK, why? For all that is holy, why, why, why? Did any forethought go into this “design” at all? Or was it simply malice aforethought? Because whoever did this seems to have been a little keyed up that day. I’m not even sure this thing should be included on a list called hilarious homemade trucks because it doesn’t really seem like this is as hilarious as it is psychopathic. I guess it qualifies as homemade, if more than a little lazy, since it’s got all of those bungee cords and cables to keep it in place. Well, maybe they are keeping it in place- I wouldn’t want to test that proposition. I do wonder what they use the fuel door on the upside down truck bed for though.

14 “Huntruck”

via pinsdaddy

Alright, so in the grander scheme of this larger list, this thing is pretty darn awesome. It looks great, it’s obviously very well done, and it even looks pretty drivable. What we have here folks is an old Ford Aerostar perched on top of an old Chevy Suburban.

Apparently, you drive it from the minivan cabin up top, which must give one a rather odd perspective (and a bunch of odd looks as well).

The whole thing is so patently, aggressively in-your-face about what it is that I can’t stop laughing though. Laughing in shock and alarm for all those poor deer out there being chased down by this mobile hunter’s stand but laughing nonetheless.

13 Carpenter’s Special

via atxcarpictures

This crazy clunker comes to us courtesy of an Austin, Texas car meet where it had to be one of the most hilarious vehicles there. This thing definitely looks solid and I’m willing to bet the guy who built it uses it out on his farm or ranch or whatever. I say that because it looks like it was almost certainly built out of an old barn that fell down somewhere on his Back Forty. This one is a big time carpenter’s special if you know what I mean. The best and most laughable feature on this ride has got to be those galvanized farm buckets for headlights it's got going on. You know, just in case the driver feels like milking a cow while on the move…

12 Corvette Conversion- NOOOO!

via pinterest

Like I said in the header, “NOOOO!!!” Why would anyone in their right mind ever do this to a Corvette? OK, I mean, it does look awesome but it also looks more than slightly insane. What deranged mind even thought of this in the first place? Even more troubling about this particular photo is that since this conversion looks pretty professionally done it stands to reason that this guy convinced some other guys that taking a torch and saw to the original Corvette would be a good idea. Umm, no guys, it was most decidedly not a good idea.

11 Flatbed Jeep???

via automotorpad

When is a Jeep not a Jeep? Well, here’s a perfect example of the Non-Jeep or Un-Jeep in action. Look, Jeeps are awesome. I’ve said this before and I’ll say again I’m sure: as a former owner of more than one Jeep I love them and I love the fraternity of Jeep owners.

But Jeeps that are pickup trucks are not awesome, they are silly.

I don’t care how good your conversion job is (and this one is pretty good) you are not supposed to make a Jeep into some kind of weird little pickup truck. It’s just not natural! Plus the back of that cab looks just a little off.

10 Log Cabin On Wheels

via truckcamperhq

This guy took the whole idea of a "cabin" on his truck and quite literally ran with it. Well, technically drove with it but you get my point. This thing is nuts. Why go camping in the woods when you can bring the woods with you, am I right or am I right? I’m pretty sure that’s an old-school Ford Bronco carrying those 100 cords of wood, although if you look real close you can see a lot of it is split and attached (nailed? Glued???) to that side. Who would go and do such a thing? Is there a modern-day Charles Ingalls out there converting camper trucks? It should come as no surprise to anyone that this pic was taken in Cody, Wyoming.

9 Swamp Cabin

via rvingguide

I just love this one- it’s a knee-slapper that made me hoot with laughter when I stumbled across it. This “beauty” (and yes, I’m using that term loosely) comes to us from Arizona but it looks more like something that you would find in the back bayous of Cajun country down in good old Louisiana. What it does not look like is something that somebody should have built up on the back of his truck for any reason whatsoever. I’m sure that thing is not only really safe but also up to code both for RVs and houses, right?

8 Homemade Armored Truck

via liveuamap

Here’s another crazy armored car-type pickup truck conversion. This one doesn’t come to us from the cartel conflicts of Mexico though; it comes from the Syrian rebellion, which is kind of depressing if you think about it for too long.

So guess what? Let’s not think about it for too long- let’s just focus on how crazy this thing looks right on the surface.

It looks like some guy with some extra sheet metal decided to go nuts with a rivet gun and see what he could come up with. I’m not sure that I would actually want to drive around in this thing in a war zone (or really anywhere for that matter).

7 Aerocap Wreck

via ecomodder

There’s been an endless debate over the years about the best way to keep your pickup truck as aerodynamically ergonomic and efficient as possible. Some people believe you should keep the gate of the bed down on your truck, some people think it has to stay up, and a lot of people believe in the “Aerocap.” I’m not sure, though, how well the old Aerocap works when you put it on top of a truck that you’ve been swapping out pieces on! This particular example seems like a pretty laughable one to me but hey, that’s what we are here for today so it’s all good.

6 Swedish “Tractor” Truck

via hemmingsmotornews

It turns out that people in the States aren’t the only ones who like to build their own pickup trucks.

For some reason, there’s this really weird law in Sweden where kids aren’t allowed to drive until they are 18-years-old. But there is also an even weirder law that anyone 15-years old and up can drive a “tractor.”

There are a ton of rules as to how something can qualify as a tractor (it can’t go over 20mph, it has to be under a certain hp limit, etc.) but I’m sure you can see where this is going. Yup, Swedish farm boys have been building tractors like the one pictured here for decades (they started off using chopped up Model As!) and driving around wherever they wanted to. You know, at 20mph…

5 Wasteland Harpoon

via willitwasteland

Alright, it’s time for one more entry from the Wasteland (cue eerie music). This one features a working harpoon gun which just cracks me up- these guys spend so much time getting into this post-apocalyptic thing! Like, why would you actually need a working harpoon gun at a car meet?!!? Anyway, this monster is pretty scary looking until you think about all the man-hours that went into its creation for no good reason at all. Then it just seems more than faintly ridiculous. Not that the guy operating that harpoon gun will ever hear that from me in person.

4 Pickup A Jetta

via new car update

What do you get when you take a perfectly fine VW Jetta station wagon and chop off the rear cabin? Well, you get this beauty which just looks hilarious. What purpose does this serve? I don’t know, maybe the owner’s intent was to recreate the legendary Subaru Brat because that’s the closest “parallel" I can come up with for this labor of love. I love that roof-rack on this thing; it looks like it could hold all of one very small suitcase. Man, this thing is weird looking. Hopefully, someday I’ll find out that it was a question of need and not an attempt at creativity.

3 Weird Weird Weird

via youtube

You’ll have to bear with me on this one. In my endless search across the endless interwebs, striving with all of my might to bring you the craziest, most hilarious pics of homemade pickup trucks, I came across this beauty.

It’s a screenshot of a YouTube video that someone took while driving alongside this truck- that explains the warped aspect of the image; it’s not actually some weird space-time shift.

What can’t be explained is why anyone would chop out the entire back end of a transport van and then leave it exposed to the elements like this. Maybe they got bored halfway through the job. I love the irony though, of this “truck” advertising that these guys do renovations. Umm, no thank you.

2 Wasteland Cressida/F150 Mashup

via willitwasteland

So apparently there is this whole movement called “Wasteland” which centers around enthusiasts doing Mad Max-style post-apocalyptic cosplay out in the desert. I dunno, I guess everybody’s gotta have something- it beats fantasy football when you realize you’re finished in your league after week two. Anyway, not only do these guys tool around in the sand and dirt pretending to chase each other but some of them also build Wasteland cars out of parts they beg, borrow or steal- just like what would happen in the real apocalypse! Here’s a prime example, the marriage of an ’87 Cressida and an ’86 F150. It sure does look tidy and clean.

1 Volvo C7 Conversion

via jalopnik

And we finish off with one more beautiful conversion job that I truly and madly wish had never been done. It’s not that the actual work that has been done on this Volvo C7 is bad- the thing is a masterpiece of mod work. But why oh Lord why (WHY???) do people want to do this?

The Volvo C7 is a great car. It is not a great pickup truck.

Volvo doesn’t make pickup trucks for our market- do the people doing this know that and not care or know it and care so deeply about getting themselves a Volvo pickup truck that they are willing to ruin a normal Volvo just to get one. That’s so nuts that I need to laugh about it or I just might cry…

Sources: pinterest, familyhandyman, makezine, instructables, jalopnik