Mike, or Street Speed 717 as he is more commonly known by, has got himself into a bit of trouble recently. In one of his recent videos, he was sent 18 criminal counts against him after jumping his Ram TRX countless times that were filed by the PA Fish and Boat Commission, some for disturbing waterways and others for poisoning fish. Pretty hefty stuff! Bear in mind, Mike does this on private property.

Mike Details The Charges For Jumping His TRX

What confused Mike is that it wasn’t even a major waterway, nor was anything destroyed when committing the jumps according to him. Everything was done on private property, plus, he was charged with littering while he states that everything he took with him to the shoot, he then took home or threw away.

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Mike Is Still Planning On Jumping The TRX

via YouTube

Despite that, Mike has not been deterred from doing further jumps in the TRX. In fact, Mike has already uploaded a new video showing him going for another set of jumps! However, things did not start smoothly as he got his TRX stuck going up a hill and had to be pulled free. Mike took it to a relatively small jump that was around two feet high just to get back into the swing of things.

No Water In The Jumps Should Keep Things Cool For Mike

via YouTube

And as it wasn’t over any water, so he's unlikely to get into any trouble with the authorities on this one. And the TRX took that jump absolutely fine. Mike is actually planning even more extreme ramps and jumps than the two foot one showcased in his latest video.

His friend Bobby was also present in his latest video, jumping his Chevy pickup truck over the same jump that Mike took the TRX over. So the brush with the law has not ruined the fun that either of them are having. With lawyers on the case, hopefully it can be resolved quickly.

Source: YouTube

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