If you’ve been to a Cars and Coffee event before, you know the best place to get car photos or videos is near the entrance­—especially if there’s a Mustang in sight. It’s now turning into a thing. Ford Mustangs now have a reputation of losing control during car meets.

A video posted on a subreddit r/IdiotsinCars captured two Mustang drivers racing on a narrow road on what must have been a local car and meet event. As you would expect, less than 10 seconds into the race, one driver loses control and swerves off before hitting an electric pole.

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Mustangs have a Reputation of Crashing in Car Meets

A little internet search reveals that this isn’t an isolated case. Mustangs have a reputation of losing control and crashing during car meets. Weird, right? So, what could be the reason? We don’t have a clue, and to be honest, Mustang drivers aren’t the only ones crashing at these events.

Well, according to the comments, the problem could be with the cars themselves. “Straight axle, short wheel-base, poor weight distribution.” One person commented. “There was a 200% chance that a mustang was going to crash.” Another Redditor commented.

There are very little details about the event, and it starts as a reasonable pony race down a local street, leaving a cloud of smoke in the wake.

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All seemed to go well before the newer Mustang loses control and veers off the road towards an electric pole 4 seconds into the clip. The pole bursts into flames, and the crowd scatters before the Mustang takes 180 degrees turn and faces the opposite direction.

Mustang Driver Applied the Brakes After Losing Control

Mustang Race Two
Via Reddit

The Mustang driver is pretty lucky he didn’t run into the building next to the road or hit a spectator. The car scuffed the pole on the left side before grinding to a halt a few meters ahead.

The clip ends shortly after the accident, and fortunately, the Mustang driver emerges from the wreck and looks fine—which is a good thing. We are not too sure about the neighborhood residents and how they felt about not having electricity for hours.

Incredibly, the Mustang didn’t take out the other car when it lost control. From the video, the driver hit the brakes after realizing he was unable to control his vehicle. The overreaction sends the Mustang abruptly to the right, hitting the electric pole.

“Don’t use the brakes… anytime you see brake lights, you know it’s gonna end badly. The reason is similar to motorcycles. You only want to use the brake when you are going in a straight line, not a curve. So, when the ass end kicks out, you only make it worse by braking.” A Redditor in the comments section explained about the crash.

Next: This YouTuber Cummins-Swapped His Wrecked Mustang